What We Do

  1. To encourage, promote, expend, and develop knowledge, education, practice of “airtech” such as bellow: To provide a central organisation for watertech, or airtech in the form of a learned and scientific society for the advancement of the eco system, science, and profession of watertech & airtech. To assist and advise Governments, local authorities, private or public bodies, and the public, on questions relating to the watertech or airtech, education, the development of various water and air treatment built environment infrastructure, construction, and technology of water treatment generally.
    1. Air Purifier
    2. High-Efficiency Particulate Air
    3. Saturated Steam System
    4. Absorption Refrigeration System
    5. Vapor-compression Refrigeration System
    6. Ventilation and Air Conditioning
    7. Heat Recovery Ventilation
    8. Exhaust Ductwork
    9. Fluid Dynamics
    10. Aeroelasticity or Aerodynamics System
    11. Constantand Variable Air Volume System
    12. Ventilation System
    13. Demand-controlled Ventilation
    14. Off-gas Treatment
    15. Emissions Treatment
    16. Air Pollution Control System
    17. Thermal Oxidizers
    18. Ancillary System
    19. Energy Recovery System
    20. Air Conditioning
    21. Oxygen Concentrator
  2. To provide a central organisation for watertech, or airtech in the form of a learned and scientific society for the advancement of the eco system, science, and profession of watertech & airtech.
  3. To assist and advise Governments, local authorities, private or public bodies, and the public, on questions relating to the watertech or airtech, education, the development of various water and air treatment built environment infrastructure, construction, and technology of water treatment generally.
  4. To assist and advise Governments, Semi governments, Pro governments, local omes, private or public bodies, and the public to establish a complaint or feedback platform to solve the issues or to provide solutions, to assist and advise Governments or local authorities for law revision in interrelated field.
  5. The Institution have the authority to certify on field experts, industry corporate or merchants, researcher, or scholar, academic or syllabus or thesis, standard operating procedure in interrelated of industries, grade of products or raw materials, machinery, or apparatus etc.
  6. To promote friendly interaction and discourse amongst field experts, industry corporate and merchants, and to hold meetings for readings and discussions of matters relating to the watertech and airtech industries.
  7. To regulate the promotion and conduct of watertech or airtech industries competitions in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Institution.
  8. To obtain and disseminate among the Members, information on matters affecting the profession and to compile, print, sell, lend, publish, issue, or distribute the proceedings and reports of the Institute or any papers, periodicals, books, circulars and other literary undertakings or any extracts therefrom as may seem conducive to any of these objects.
  9. To provide facilities interchange with other associations carrying on similar work or with Governments, local authorities, educational and scientific bodies engaged in research on matters relating to the work, theory or practice of water and air treatment or allied subjects.
  1. To arrange for alliance or affiliation with any Institution, Association or Society with similar object to those of the Institute on such terms or conditions as may be in the interests of the Institute.
  2. To present generally the views of the profession and the interest of the Institute.
  3. To preserve and to maintain the integrity and status of the profession: to dishonourable and unprofessional conduct or practices and to lay down and enforce a Code of Professional Conduct which shall be binding on all Members.
  4. To institute Chapters consisting of such Members as may be resident in any territory as defined from time to time in accordance with the Constitution of the Institute and to confer on such Chapters all such powers, authorities and discretion as may bethought fit.
  5. To hold examinations of proficiency in the technology of water or air purifier.